Specialized Pediatric Surgeon since 2019

Dr. S. M. Nazmul Islam completed his graduation (MBBS) from Sher- e -Bangla Medical college under Dhaka University (DU) . He obtained Master of Surgery (MS) in Pediatric Surgery from Bangladesh Shishu Hospital & Institute under Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University(BSMMU) in 2019.
Dr. Nazmul Islam joined the Bangladesh Shishu Hospital and Institute in 2011. Now he is an assistant professor of the Pediatric Surgery faculty of Bangladesh Shishu Hospital and Institute. He has four years of working experience as a resident surgeon in BSH&I. During this period he did all aspects of emergency and routine operations in the field of Pediatric Surgery.
Dr. Nazmul Islam took training in pediatric urology in INDIA 🇮🇳 under Dr. VVS Chandrasekharam, a world-renowned Pediatric surgeon and urologist. He worked with the world’s best surgeon of hypospadias surgery Dr. A.T. Hadidi, writer of “Hypospadias Surgery: An Illustrated Textbook”. He has done all types of Hypospadias surgery & a world-renowned surgeon of hypospadias surgery. He is a member of the Hypospadias International Society (HIS).
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Specialized Pediatric Surgeon since 2019
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